Latest Observations | |||||||||
Date | Perc Tmp | Perc Hum | Obs Tmp | Obs Hmd | Obs hPa | Sur Wind Dir | Sur Wind Speed | Aloft Wind Dir | Aloft Wind Speed |
Cloud Obs | Cloud Cov | Precipitation | Phenomena | Notes | |||||
13:59 04/29/19 |
55.0F | 35% | 55.0F | 54% | 1019 | 100 | 5 | -- | -- |
Cirrostratus | Heavy coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
12:59 04/27/19 |
58.0F | 30% | 52.0F | 58% | 1010 | 315 | 6 | -- | -- |
cirrus | Light coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
14:44 04/17/19 |
70.0F | 70% | --F | --% | -- | 190 | 3 | -- | -- |
Altostratus or cirrostratus | Full coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
13:11 04/16/19 |
63.0F | 50% | 57.0F | 58% | 1015 | 270 | 4 | -- | -- |
Cirrostratus | Heavy coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | Thin cirrostratus and citrus clouds. | |||||
17:43 04/14/19 |
70.0F | 75% | --F | --% | -- | 180 | 3 | 180 | -- |
Cumulus | Medium coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | Rained this morning. Supposed to see severe storms this late afternoon. | |||||
12:57 04/12/19 |
65.0F | 80% | 62.0F | 68% | 1002 | 240 | 12 | 220 | -- |
Nimbus | Full coverage | Rain | Nothing | Storms coming through. Rained hard 30 minutes ago. Gust blew doors shut. Assume clouds are cumulonimbus but can’t see anything about them.. ie they are so thick what differentiates them from stratus? | |||||
14:46 04/11/19 |
63.0F | 60% | --F | --% | -- | 150 | 10 | -- | -- |
Cirrostratus | Full coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
13:16 04/11/19 |
50.0F | 50% | 51.0F | 56% | 1006 | 110 | 9 | -- | -- |
Cirrostratus | Light coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
12:49 04/09/19 |
62.0F | 65% | 59.0F | 74% | 1001 | 270 | 7 | -- | -- |
None | None | No precipitation | Dew | ||||||
15:30 04/08/19 |
65.0F | 70% | 67.0F | 78% | 1005 | 290 | 3 | -- | -- |
Stratus | Full coverage | No precipitation | Nothing |
Latest Observations
Date: 04/29/19 - 13:59 | |
Temp: | 55.0F |
Humd: | 54% |
Press: | 1019 |
Wind: | 100°@ 5 |
Clouds: | Heavy coverage |
Date: 04/27/19 - 12:59 | |
Temp: | 52.0F |
Humd: | 58% |
Press: | 1010 |
Wind: | 315°@ 6 |
Clouds: | Light coverage |
Date: 04/17/19 - 14:44 | |
Temp: | --F |
Humd: | --% |
Press: | -- |
Wind: | 190°@ 3 |
Clouds: | Full coverage |
Date: 04/16/19 - 13:11 | |
Temp: | 57.0F |
Humd: | 58% |
Press: | 1015 |
Wind: | 270°@ 4 |
Clouds: | Heavy coverage |
Date: 04/14/19 - 17:43 | |
Temp: | --F |
Humd: | --% |
Press: | -- |
Wind: | 180°@ 3 |
Clouds: | Medium coverage |
Date: 04/12/19 - 12:57 | |
Temp: | 62.0F |
Humd: | 68% |
Press: | 1002 |
Wind: | 240°@ 12 |
Clouds: | Full coverage |
Date: 04/11/19 - 14:46 | |
Temp: | --F |
Humd: | --% |
Press: | -- |
Wind: | 150°@ 10 |
Clouds: | Full coverage |
Date: 04/11/19 - 13:16 | |
Temp: | 51.0F |
Humd: | 56% |
Press: | 1006 |
Wind: | 110°@ 9 |
Clouds: | Light coverage |
Date: 04/09/19 - 12:49 | |
Temp: | 59.0F |
Humd: | 74% |
Press: | 1001 |
Wind: | 270°@ 7 |
Clouds: | None |
Date: 04/08/19 - 15:30 | |
Temp: | 67.0F |
Humd: | 78% |
Press: | 1005 |
Wind: | 290°@ 3 |
Clouds: | Full coverage |