Latest Observations | |||||||||
Date | Perc Tmp | Perc Hum | Obs Tmp | Obs Hmd | Obs hPa | Sur Wind Dir | Sur Wind Speed | Aloft Wind Dir | Aloft Wind Speed |
Cloud Obs | Cloud Cov | Precipitation | Phenomena | Notes | |||||
15:50 08/13/19 |
75.0F | 80% | 75.0F | 88% | 1010 | 240 | 13 | -- | -- |
Stratus | None | No precipitation | Nothing | Signs of recent rain | |||||
14:44 08/12/19 |
76.0F | 50% | 76.0F | 50% | 1016 | 180 | 6 | -- | -- |
Cirrostratus | Light coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
12:02 08/11/19 |
65.0F | 50% | 58.0F | 90% | 1019 | 0 | 0 | -- | -- |
Clear skies | None | No precipitation | Dew | ||||||
14:50 08/10/19 |
74.0F | 40% | 69.0F | 68% | 1016 | 270 | 8 | -- | -- |
Altocumulus | Heavy coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
15:30 08/09/19 |
80.0F | 40% | 75.0F | 43% | 1014 | 270 | 5 | -- | -- |
Crystal clear | None | No precipitation | Nothing | I can’t remember the last time I saw a sky so blue. | |||||
00:24 08/09/19 |
77.0F | 70% | 84.0F | 46% | 1010 | 270 | 4 | -- | -- |
Towering cumulus | Medium coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
15:24 08/08/19 |
80.0F | 75% | 78.0F | 58% | 1011 | 260 | 12 | -- | -- |
Cumulus | Medium coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | Lower cumulus. Some altocumulus | |||||
14:11 08/07/19 |
80.0F | 60% | 71.0F | 87% | 1011 | 240 | 5 | -- | -- |
Altocirrus | Light coverage | No precipitation | Dew | ||||||
18:06 08/06/19 |
88.0F | 50% | 86.0F | 45% | 1011 | 220 | 7 | -- | -- |
Stratus | Full coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
03:13 08/06/19 |
74.0F | 70% | 78.0F | 60% | 1013 | 0 | 0 | -- | -- |
Clear | None | No precipitation | Nothing |
Latest Observations
Date: 08/13/19 - 15:50 | |
Temp: | 75.0F |
Humd: | 88% |
Press: | 1010 |
Wind: | 240°@ 13 |
Clouds: | None |
Date: 08/12/19 - 14:44 | |
Temp: | 76.0F |
Humd: | 50% |
Press: | 1016 |
Wind: | 180°@ 6 |
Clouds: | Light coverage |
Date: 08/11/19 - 12:02 | |
Temp: | 58.0F |
Humd: | 90% |
Press: | 1019 |
Wind: | 0°@ 0 |
Clouds: | None |
Date: 08/10/19 - 14:50 | |
Temp: | 69.0F |
Humd: | 68% |
Press: | 1016 |
Wind: | 270°@ 8 |
Clouds: | Heavy coverage |
Date: 08/09/19 - 15:30 | |
Temp: | 75.0F |
Humd: | 43% |
Press: | 1014 |
Wind: | 270°@ 5 |
Clouds: | None |
Date: 08/09/19 - 00:24 | |
Temp: | 84.0F |
Humd: | 46% |
Press: | 1010 |
Wind: | 270°@ 4 |
Clouds: | Medium coverage |
Date: 08/08/19 - 15:24 | |
Temp: | 78.0F |
Humd: | 58% |
Press: | 1011 |
Wind: | 260°@ 12 |
Clouds: | Medium coverage |
Date: 08/07/19 - 14:11 | |
Temp: | 71.0F |
Humd: | 87% |
Press: | 1011 |
Wind: | 240°@ 5 |
Clouds: | Light coverage |
Date: 08/06/19 - 18:06 | |
Temp: | 86.0F |
Humd: | 45% |
Press: | 1011 |
Wind: | 220°@ 7 |
Clouds: | Full coverage |
Date: 08/06/19 - 03:13 | |
Temp: | 78.0F |
Humd: | 60% |
Press: | 1013 |
Wind: | 0°@ 0 |
Clouds: | None |