Latest Observations | |||||||||
Date | Perc Tmp | Perc Hum | Obs Tmp | Obs Hmd | Obs hPa | Sur Wind Dir | Sur Wind Speed | Aloft Wind Dir | Aloft Wind Speed |
Cloud Obs | Cloud Cov | Precipitation | Phenomena | Notes | |||||
13:04 07/14/19 |
70.0F | 70% | 75.0F | 74% | 1020 | 0 | 0 | -- | -- |
Altostratus | Medium coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
12:58 07/13/19 |
78.0F | 50% | 73.0F | 67% | 1017 | 0 | 0 | -- | -- |
None | None | No precipitation | Dew | ||||||
13:34 07/12/19 |
77.0F | 70% | 80.0F | 63% | 1012 | 30 | 10 | -- | -- |
Stratus | Medium coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | Almost full coverage stratus when Jake and I took our walk this morning. Clouds have broken up a lot in the past 1-2 hours | |||||
11:46 07/10/19 |
73.0F | 80% | 73.0F | 90% | 1016 | 0 | 0 | -- | -- |
None | None | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
22:00 07/07/19 |
90.0F | 85% | 87.0F | 57% | 1011 | 320 | 10 | -- | -- |
Cumulus | Medium coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
11:25 07/04/19 |
70.0F | 95% | 70.0F | 88% | 1015 | 0 | 0 | -- | -- |
Stratus | Full coverage | No precipitation | Fog/Mist | Heavy fog | |||||
12:21 07/03/19 |
78.0F | 65% | 78.0F | 76% | 1014 | 140 | 5 | -- | -- |
Cirrostratus | Light coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
15:02 07/01/19 |
85.0F | 50% | 90.0F | 45% | 1016 | 180 | 7 | -- | -- |
Cirrostratus | Light coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
23:43 06/29/19 |
90.0F | 44% | 90.0F | 44% | 1018 | 260 | 11 | -- | -- |
Altocumulus | Light coverage | No precipitation | Nothing | ||||||
12:54 06/26/19 |
70.0F | 60% | 68.0F | 78% | 1019 | 210 | 6 | -- | -- |
Cirrus | None | No precipitation | Nothing |
Latest Observations
Date: 07/14/19 - 13:04 | |
Temp: | 75.0F |
Humd: | 74% |
Press: | 1020 |
Wind: | 0°@ 0 |
Clouds: | Medium coverage |
Date: 07/13/19 - 12:58 | |
Temp: | 73.0F |
Humd: | 67% |
Press: | 1017 |
Wind: | 0°@ 0 |
Clouds: | None |
Date: 07/12/19 - 13:34 | |
Temp: | 80.0F |
Humd: | 63% |
Press: | 1012 |
Wind: | 30°@ 10 |
Clouds: | Medium coverage |
Date: 07/10/19 - 11:46 | |
Temp: | 73.0F |
Humd: | 90% |
Press: | 1016 |
Wind: | 0°@ 0 |
Clouds: | None |
Date: 07/07/19 - 22:00 | |
Temp: | 87.0F |
Humd: | 57% |
Press: | 1011 |
Wind: | 320°@ 10 |
Clouds: | Medium coverage |
Date: 07/04/19 - 11:25 | |
Temp: | 70.0F |
Humd: | 88% |
Press: | 1015 |
Wind: | 0°@ 0 |
Clouds: | Full coverage |
Date: 07/03/19 - 12:21 | |
Temp: | 78.0F |
Humd: | 76% |
Press: | 1014 |
Wind: | 140°@ 5 |
Clouds: | Light coverage |
Date: 07/01/19 - 15:02 | |
Temp: | 90.0F |
Humd: | 45% |
Press: | 1016 |
Wind: | 180°@ 7 |
Clouds: | Light coverage |
Date: 06/29/19 - 23:43 | |
Temp: | 90.0F |
Humd: | 44% |
Press: | 1018 |
Wind: | 260°@ 11 |
Clouds: | Light coverage |
Date: 06/26/19 - 12:54 | |
Temp: | 68.0F |
Humd: | 78% |
Press: | 1019 |
Wind: | 210°@ 6 |
Clouds: | None |