Dec. 13, 2021, 3:23 a.m.

AoC Day 12

Long Days...

I started a post 12 hours ago about how Day 12 was giving me the opportunity to revisit graph theory.

Well, I revisited. Then I wrote Part one, and it made me feel pretty smart. Then I drew a blank on part two. Then I was interrupted by a needing to perform Wordpress installs on Docker containers to use as a test bed for another project I'm working on. Because I rarely use Docker, I needed to revisit docker theory as well. With a little Wordpress theory thrown in for good measure.

Hours later, coming back to part two was daunting. I had written up pseudo code on my whiteboard. It was close to working out, but I kept having to go back and clean up the mistakes. Keep tweaking the code until it passed the tests. It moved a lot slower than when I wrote the pseudo code. I can't tell if the clean up was harder or if exhaustion makes me slower.

All in all it's finished. I'm a little dissatisfied with my performance, but only 30,000 people finished globally. That's 20% of the people that finished Day 1