Nov. 22, 2018, 2:12 p.m.

Git lessons

I started out on master branch by mistake, made some changes and caught myself before committing them. It turns out your changes merge into the branch you checkout into. So it was as simple as switching to development, committing them there, then switching back to master and merging. Why all the extra steps? I'm trying to keep to using development as the place where I make my changes. I'm afraid of what will happen if I merge master into development rather than the other way.

This, btw, is a test entry to see if the new generic post thing is working on the front page. I'm going to have to commit this change so that the master will be updated with the blog post change. It seems like a waste of a commit. There's so much left to learn about proper handling of test environment vs production environment. Also, this is a gentle reminder that I'm still using sqlite on the production server.